~ A.A.Milne
I love a good quote! Quotes are a sort of philosophical shorthand which can help an author, speaker, or you to get a point across.
When I wrote, “The Power of Dadhood”, I started each chapter with a quote. I didn’t limit their use to introductions, I used them whenever they helped to make a point. A good quote can say quite a bit in just a few words.
As an example, the quote I used for my ‘Introduction’ was attributed to Mother Theresa.
“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”
More than anything, this was a book about the need for, and the power of, love - comparing it to one of the basics of survival - food. This quote sets the stage for the reader and does it with clarity and brevity.
The quote that introduced Chapter One ‘The Power of Fatherhood’, was from Gloria Steinem.
“Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father.”
This quote was used to let the reader know that, along with love, my focus was going to be about the need for love specifically from a father. Steinem’s quote let us know that, among parents, it was not unusual that children learn most of what they know, and spend more time around, their mother. Not necessarily a bad thing, mothers are awesome! But when taken to an extreme, such as a father missing physically or emotionally, can cause numerous issues for a child’s behavior and self-confidence.
I’m not going to explain each quote in “The Power of Dadhood”, but I will say that just reading the quotes will do a lot to help a man be a father to his child. It is my hope, of course, that I enhance each quote using my experiences as a son and as a father. It's like working with a team! Some being brilliant.
With that introduction, here are some quotes that may get you thinking.