In one of the more stressful years in the recent past, the family has suffered. Some have lost jobs, savings have been depleted, loved ones have been separated from us through quarantines and some have tragically been lost to battles with COVID-19. More subtly, challenges in being too close to each other for too long have created tensions within families.
We must meet these challenges and those that always are around the corner! But we build on the experiences of others, because non of us have all the answers. My book, "The Power of Dadhood" is a resource for the challenges of fatherhood. I truly believe my book will help dads understand their undeniable value to their children.
When finding solutions to the challenges within the family, a tidal wave of benefits result! With peeks into key pages (and my grand kids) through the video below, you will get a flavor of "The Power of Dadhood" It is simply a father's way to change the world!
Please share this video with any man you care for who is, or will soon be, a dad. And let them know that even though they may hold a "black belt" in fatherhood, there is always more to learn and share. There are no perfect fathers, but those that never stop trying will be the best!
PS. Pause any page you would like to read closer.