Families Do Make a Difference - It's HUGE!
It was the stark contrast between my childhood family and my adult family that drove me to write my book on parenting, “The Power of Dadhood”. As a child, my family had no stability, few rules, and little mutual support. On the other hand, as a parent in partnership with my wife, my adult family had stability, many rules, and plenty of mutual support. As a result, clearly and without question, my children were better prepared to handle the challenges of life more than my siblings and I had been. As a child of an unsupportive father I saw and lived through the damage that came to us all as a result. I was determined to do my best to minimize that damage by helping fathers to be the best dads they could be.
Why Focus on Fathers?
Indeed, it is not just the father who makes the difference; it’s the partnership of a father and mother. My concentration, however, is on dads for reasons that are three-fold.
- My father was the most responsible for our family’s dire situation.
- Fathers, in general, are woefully underappreciated in their parental influence.
- I am a child who missed out on positive paternal interaction, and it affected my life and fathering style.
Helping fathers to be dads is the passion of my retirement years. Writing both the blog and book cost me much time and expense, but the return is priceless! If, by reading my book or blog, a father becomes ‘one smile better’, or gives a hug that might not have otherwise happened, or when a child overcomes a challenge through the encouragement of his dad, then I have been compensated beyond words!
Being a parent is difficult! It is even more difficult without sharing lessons learned. Most fathers never read parenting books and often can be good dads without doing so. I doubt, however, that any parent knows everything and many don’t know much. We have to admit this and put some effort to be the best parent possible to the most important people in our lives!
Understanding the Power
Below is the Table of Contents for “The Power of Dadhood”. Look over it and see if you could guess what each chapter will say about the topic. If you have no idea, or if you think you have an idea and want to compare, then beg, borrow, or buy (don’t steal) a copy. Your family is worth it! And that is the understatement of the year!
The Implications of Fatherhood
Chapter 1: The Power of Fatherhood (what is it? how does it work?)
Chapter 2: The Absent Father (who is he? where is he?)
Chapter 3: To Be or Not to Be (a father?)
Chapter 4: The Social Implications of an Absent Father (what are the consequences?)
The Challenges of Fatherhood
Chapter 5: The Challenges of Being a Kid (Consider a kid’s point of view)
Chapter 6: The Challenges of Fathering (What are they and how do you address them?)
Chapter 7: The Challenges of the Family (Every family has them)
The Pyramid of Dadhood
Chapter 8: Be There! (Why is this so important?)
Chapter 9: Fathering with Love (Why doesn’t this happen more frequently?)
Chapter 10: Building Strong Children (How does one do this?)
The Pinnacle of the Pyramid
Chapter 11: Nurturing Sons and Daughters (They are different and similar)
Chapter 12: Money versus Success (What is true success?)
Chapter 13: The Rewards and a Confession (A reflection on my fathering)
Appendix A: The Seven Characteristics of a Successful Dad* (What do you think they could be?)
Appendix B: A Dad’s Self-Inspection Checklist* (Do you have the guts to evaluate yourself as a dad?)
* Essential – if you don’t read books then read (at a minimum) these two appendices!