If you don’t like any of these suggestions, use your own. If you have your own thoughts on 'being like', let me know them in the comments section and I may publish them.
- Sing like Whitney Houston
- Dance like Fred Astaire
- Laugh like Eddie Murphy
- Walk like John Travolta
- Play like a child
- Love like Mother Theresa
- Pray like Billy Graham
- Give like Bill Gates
- Cook like Julia Childs
- Inspire like Dale Carnegie
- Share like Winnie the Pooh
- Rock like The Rolling Stones
- Swim like Michael Phelps
- Run like Carl Lewis
- Teach like Jesus
- Be happy like Happy (one of the Seven Dwarfs)
- Travel like Rick Steves
- Read like my 15-year-old granddaughter
- Climb Mountains like Sir Edmond Hillary
- Write like Ernest Hemmingway
- Build like the Egyptians
- Play tennis like Serena Williams
- Fly like Chuck Yeager
- Exercise like Richard Simmons
- Paint like Rembrandt
- Design like Da Vinci
- Invent like Edison
- Lead like Churchill
- Sleep like Rip Van Winkle
- Be calm like Buddha
- Study like a monk
- Take photos like Ansel Adams
- Ride like the Pony Express
- Act like your know what you’re doing
- Imagine like Elon Musk