I knew writing a book about parenting targeted to fathers would be akin to selling Chapstick to chickens. Men read books about as often as women read “Guns and Ammo”, the magazine. When men do read books, it’s more often a ‘Jack Reacher’ thriller or a science fiction classic-- not about how to get your son to talk to you, or how to talk to your teen daughter. I wrote the book anyway because if it helped one child, dad, or family, it would be worth the effort. Still, I wanted the thoughts and discussion regarding the importance of fathering to be as widespread as possible!
I was hoping the gateway to men who were fathers may be through their mothers, wives, or sisters, etc. But my publisher changed the subtitle and I found later that it created an obstacle. The main title is, “The Power of Dadhood” in which I explain how dads are often the barrier between their children and the dangers to which they are exposed, whether it be drugs, poverty, out of wedlock pregnancy, etc. The subtitle, and yes, I’ve mentioned this before, does put off some people a bit. “How to Become the Father Your Child Needs” is often interpreted as “Buck up buddy, you’re slacking as a dad and I’m going to fix you by making you read this book!” Ouch!
Please understand, this book is a book of encouragement and suggestions to common issues faced by dads (and moms). One goal was to let men know the power of their position, the influence they have, and the best ways to bring out those qualities. Certainly, some dads need to read this book more than others. But every dad can get something out of it.
More than a few times I have heard women say something to the effect of, “my (husband, son, brother) would be (offended, upset, mad) if I gave this book to them". Well the saying is true. You can’t judge a book by its cover, or its subtitle.
Ladies, help out the dads in your lives. How could they not want to be better dads, even if they are already awesome? Dads, get over yourselves! You aren’t perfect. You do care. And you do want to be the best dad possible. You can’t do that in a vacuum.