We have heroes in this world, men and women, who have led causes and people. Lincoln, Gandhi. Martin Luther King and Susan B. Anthony, to name a few. There are, however, heroes we never see or hear about. They are those that fight city hall or the school board, confront bullies, lead men into battle, charge into the unknown, risk death or injury to save a life, or speak a dissenting opinion. These are true heroes that rarely get their due for the chances they take or the ridicule they may bring on to themselves. Sometimes, they may even be on the wrong side of what is right in the view of most. That doesn't take away from their courage. As the title suggests, I'd like to speak, not for these heroes, but for the second man (or woman) in a fight.
Popularly held opinions are difficult to oppose. It takes a strong will and resilience to take on the forces against a dissenter. However, no matter how strong the leader may be, they will get nowhere until a second man joins the fight. This second man may not be as daring or have the characteristics necessary to lead, but they are brave enough to be supportive. Without that second man, there will never be a third or fourth to join in. When a tipping point of support is reached, these opposing issues have to be acknowledged. For instance, one woman at the turn of the 20th century, wanting the right to vote would be ignored or shunned until a second joins in. They both may be disregarded, but a third woman (or man) may join upon seeing the bravery and verification of the first supporter.
A lieutenant in battle raises to lead a charge. His heroism is for naught if none under his command rises behind him. It takes but one soldier being unhesitant to make the charge go forward. A woman jumps into a frozen lake to save a drowning child, but she may also die without the help of others who can throw a lifeline to them. The fastest way to stop a bully is to have someone intercede on behalf of the one being bullied. But the bullying will continue unless someone else, hopefully, many, supports the hero's efforts.
My point is this. I see many crazy ideas coming forth these days, especially culturally. Not all new ideas are crazy, most being helpful. Without them, we will never move forward as a society. But some trends or thoughts (choose your own trend or idea you think insane, or at least not helpful) are antithetical to our beliefs. If you see no hero speaking up, then you may reevaluate yourself and remain in your silent corner considering you are alone. Then again, maybe you will be the hero! If, however, someone else does speak for you, they deserve your backing in whatever way you can; otherwise, their voice will be drowned.
There are many ways to protect yourself, your family, and your society. If you fail to take action, you cannot complain when the circumstances overtake you. A silent, inactive majority cannot win against a vocal and aggressive minority. History has shown this is true.