I was in my local library writing the other day when I took a break to research SUVs since my wife is in the market. I found the Oct 2015 issue of Motor Trend and as I sauntered back to my table, I was stopped in my tracks! On the rack was the cover of Sports Illustrated - ‘The Swimsuit Edition’. There was literally a rack on the rack (with apologies to my female friends). I admit to picking it up and thumbing through, looking for articles on the upcoming baseball season. ; )
Now, what do swimsuits have to do with sports? SALES! This edition sells fifteen times more than the regular editions, even though it comes out when sports, overall, are in a slow part of the year! It pays some bills and generates tons of free publicity for Sports Illustrated. It is an idea that works and has grown for over twenty years.
Now comes an unknown, retired grandfather who writes a blog about parenting focused toward fathers. Do you see where I’m going with this? Think about it. Who is more into parenting talk? Moms or dads? Who reads more, women or men? My topic is on the wrong side of these questions. I’m writing to men, who generally prefer topics like sex, sports, sex, cars, money, politics, etc. Did I mention sex? So I’m asking men to read about being a dad, which is like asking teenagers to read about etiquette. They may care about the topic, but think they already know everything they need to know.
I do have an advantage over Sports Illustrated. I don’t need to make money to survive. I’m not a non-profit organization but I am undoubtedly a ‘no-profit’ entity. I don’t get paid to write this blog but I do spend money on advertising it. Sounds crazy, I know. But it is a small price to pay, in time and money, to write about the importance of fathers in the success of families and children.
If I had a ‘swimsuit-type edition’ in my blog, what would it look like? What special edition would get my blog the attention and broad readership of fathers I hope for?
I’m still thinking!
How about this? Ten ways to have your children respect you, your wife to adore you, your boss to promote you, your friends to be loyal to you, and women to admire you. It’s not a real sexy topic, but it would peak some interest. I’m writing it as soon as I can come up with ten ways.
Maybe I should reduce it to five. Ten ways may sound too difficult and guys wouldn’t be interested in reading that much. So here are the five suggestions I would write about.
- Being honorable
- Being trustworthy
- Having a sense of humor
- Doing what you say you’re going to do
- Treating others fairly
You know what? I don’t think Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition has anything to worry about from the likes of me.
Read: The Power of Dadhood: Become the Father Your Child Needs