It’s entitled “The Turning”, by Richard and Linda Eyre. It is a book about core families, how they matter in the world and how forces from all directions are taking away the basic functions that are best done in a family, by a family. The credentials of the Eyre’s to write on this topic are without dispute. They have vast experiences as parents, world travelers, authors of several books, and leaders in family matters. Richard is also the former Director of the White House Conference on Parents and Children.
I wish I could have read “The Turning” prior to writing my book “The Power of Dadhood”. They take the time to explain how the core family has slowly broken down and why it has happened with little notice and without a coordinated effort to stop the trend. I was, however, able to perform a quick edit, prior to my printing, to add a quote by Linda Eyre.
“…nothing is more responsible for the pain and suffering in the world than the breakdown of families; nothing can heal and renew the world like the revaluing of families; and there is not nearly enough focus on how dramatically the state of families affects the state of society.”
I couldn’t agree more with Linda Eyre’s statement. It is something I knew and felt in my heart prior to reading "The Turning". My experiences as a child and a father told me that when families are whole and work together, their offspring are much better prepared to take on, and contribute to, the world. The Eyre’s validate my personal experience with a much more global look at the causes of the family breakdown.
The Eyre’s go on to tell us what families can do to save themselves from the outside forces that effectively, if not purposely pull families apart. Some forces that relegate the family to a lesser role, you may not have even suspected. After you read their book, you will see how difficult it is to fight these outside forces without strong parents. This idea dovetails perfectly with my focus in “The Power of Dadhood”, which is how the participation of fathers can make or break a family and the families that follow. The lessons in “The Turning” explain why strong dads are needed with strong moms in fighting the forces that are taking over the roles of the family. When one of the parents is missing, the fight is almost impossible. And when one parent is missing, it is almost always the father.
I highly recommend this book for all families and to institutions that work with and for families! It is an invisible crisis to many and one that, if not resolved, will cause many other crises as a result.
Note: "The Turning" is published by "Familius". They publish many other books with the goal of strrengthening families and family values. Take a look by clicking on their name--and while you're there, check out Rino Alaimo’s "The Boy and the Moon"!