When you ask someone what they want for Christmas, you will get a myriad of answers. Most of these fall into one of three categories:
- Sweet, hopeful, but ‘pie-in-the-sky’ wishes – “I want peace around the world.”
- Unselfish hopes for loved ones – “I want my children and grandchildren to have every advantage.”
- More self-centered wishes – “I want a Mercedes Benz.”
We all (except for a few million loons) want peace in the world, love, and the end of poverty and suffering. But what can we do about it? Very few of us are influential on a worldly stage. And if we were, what would it take to make a dent in the quest for world peace? It’s wonderful to hope and pray for peace, but as the saying goes, “hope in one hand and ‘expel waste’ in the other”. Try if you can to change the entire world, but it might be more practical to focus on a smaller goal, one that will contribute to a better world.
The second ‘want’--unselfish hopes for loved ones--is getting much closer to a place where you can make a significant difference. But how can you best help them to succeed?
What you as a parent really want, are children that will seize every opportunity that comes their way--that is, children that work to create and recognize opportunities and know what to do with them. Therefore, don’t give your kids and/or grandkids the advantages of easy access. Give them the advantages of a value system and good work ethic which will create opportunities that will give them an advantage they deserve and can use.
The last ‘want’ may sound selfish, but there is nothing wrong with working hard and rewarding yourself. After all, if everyone were capable and successful in taking care of themselves and their own needs, they wouldn’t need the help of others. We would then be free to focus on ourselves and our own prosperity. If that pipe dream were to come true, the world would be an even more, wonderful place for us all.
That’s the goal! To erase the need for Wants #1 and #2. To minimize the necessity of helping others and to share our blessings for the sheer joy of it. But there will always be those who need help because of a variety of disadvantages.
Personally, I am comfortable with satisfying Wants #2 and #3. Therefore, what I want for Christmas might fall in the category of Want #1: The talent and the ability for each of us to help those with disadvantages to minimize the influence of those disadvantages by giving them tools to fight them. That is why I wrote a book for families and fathers, as a small contribution to the greater goal of a better world. I wish I had more influence. In conclusion;
- Want #1 will be a little closer to coming true when those who want peace and love in the world realize it comes about in small acts by many people.
- Want #2 could become a reality when we help family and friends do the smart things, not by providing the things that take away their desire to fight.
- Want #3 would no longer be considered a self-centered act if others could do for themselves, thanks to deeds of Wants #1 and #2.
Merry Christmas! I want you all to have all your wants! (Yep, this falls into a category #1 Want!)