1. Mike Mentor
Mike is aware of the need to give constant guidance to his kids. He helps them to understand why things are as they are and teaches them how to avoid trouble and how to handle problems. Mike encourages and motivates his children to always do their best.
2. Alvin Attention
Al knows his kids! He knows their strengths and weaknesses. By supporting their strengths and helping with their weaknesses, Al is shaping his children’s ability to handle their lives in the future. He listens to them with his eyes and ears. Whenever his kids have an important event, it is Al’s top priority. They know he is there for them!
3. Conrad Consistency
Conrad doesn’t confuse his children. He has rules that are fair and reasonable, and he enforces them. Conrad never makes promises he can’t keep nor does he forget to follow up on a deserved punishment. This dad is dependable and his kids know what is expected of them. They can always count on their dad!
4. Harvey Humor
Harvey is a serious parent but a fun dad. His kids love to be around him and they look to him when they are down to see the bright side of things. Harvey knows when to be serious, but he also knows that having a sense of humor can bring his family closer together. He plays with his kids, teases gently, but doesn’t go too far. Harvey's children are thrilled to see him walk through the door!
5. Peter Principle
Pete strives to live his life with integrity and wants his children to do the same. He has strong values and is an example for his children to follow. Peter accepts that mistakes will be made, but never hesitates to correct his children when necessary. He is honest, moral, and has rules and limits. He teaches by being a model for his children to follow.
6. Larry Love
Larry is open about his love of his family. He is gentle, kind and available. He tells his kids when they do well, but will not hesitate to show he cares enough to correct them when necessary. Larry is known for pats on the back and his constant shouts of encouragement. He’s not afraid to look his kids in the eye and say ‘I love you!’
Every father has his own strengths as do the six dads above. The key thing to know about these six fathers is that they are all related—all in the same extended family. For example, every father above also has the characteristics of the other five fathers because mentoring cannot be done without attention, nor should it be done without principles. Love alone will not enable you to raise well-adjusted children. There must be consistency in their lives or they will be confused. There must be humor or there will be a lack of interest and/or memories without smiles. There are many best fathers in this world because you can only be the best dad in your own family. And that’s all that counts--and that’s all that matters.
These are the fatherly ideals I discuss in my book which add up to “Dadhood”!
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