- Freedom, of course, is the first ‘F’. Our forefather’s fight for independence was for that very purpose. With freedom comes choice and responsibility. Some of us make the bad choices and lack responsibility. When this happens, it’s a terrible waste of our freedoms.
- Our flags, showing their stars and stripes, are flowing without any apologies. It seems more and more Americans think something is wrong with being proud of their country. I see an American flag I think of the values it represents and all those who sacrificed for it. There is no perfect country but I feel very fortunate to be an American!
- Food has also been flowing. Now I should probably apologize to my health for that. But holidays can be a type of recess from the stricter regimens of our daily life. Yesterday, alone, I had a bratwurst, snow cone, hard cider, mac & cheese, cookies, cake, Coke, and more. Sounds bad when you write it down, maybe because it is.
- We saw the best fireworks you could ever see, especially for a private, neighborhood show. My brother and has brother-in-law are pyro-technicians. They, along with volunteers, fire off thousands of dollars of rockets lighting up the sky with colors dancing and sounds booming. The attendance grows every year as the word of the dazzling show grows. Guests donate whatever funds they can to defray some of the costs, but the host is overwhelmingly generous.
- The best part is watching all the families getting together and having fun. Scores of families slinging Frisbees, kids chasing parachutes shot into the air, tents, lawn chairs, blankets, and people mingling and laughing.