Sometimes a father may be around his kids more often than some dads, but dads are always there in body or spirit. Fatherhood, plus mentoring, love, and nurturing equals--
“The Power of Dadhood”!
Here are a few examples of how and why one man is only father while another man is also a dad.
- A father of a baby is an observer. A dad of a baby is fully engaged—holding, talking, singing, and changing.
- A father of a toddler thinks Nick Jr. is a person. A dad knows all about 'Max and Ruby', 'Peppa Pig', and 'Bubble Guppies'.
- A father of teens is totally confused about them. A dad of teens is also totally confused, but he his tries to figure them out.
- A father talks to his children but a dad talks with his children.
- A father yawns when asked about reading to his kids. A dad yawns while reading to his kids.
- A father babysits. A dad parents.
- A father looks to the mother when the kids are chaotic. A dad is part of the chaos.
- A father makes promises. A dad makes commitments.
- A father says 'no' when he should sometimes say 'yes'. A dad says 'no' when he should say 'no'.
- A father makes mistakes and rarely changes. A dad makes mistakes and tries to change.
- A father gives things to his kids. A dad gives his time to his kids.
- A father punishes but a dad corrects.
- A father may be around. A dad wants to be around.
- A father knows his kids. A dad knows his kids, his kids’ friends, and his kids’ friends’ names.
- A father loves his kids, but a dad shows it.
- A father is a biological definition. The title of dad is earned.
It’s true. A father doesn’t come with guarantees of being a good parent, (neither for that matter, does a mother). A man can be a father and never see his child for reasons that may or may not be his doing. A man can be a father and be a provider but not much more. A man can be a father and be blocked from being as involved as much as he wants to be. A man can be a father, but not be familiar with how to be involved as a dad. In other words, not all fathers can be the dad they want to be and a few don’t want to be involved as a parent. The number of men who don’t want to be involved, dedicated fathers are few. Many men just need encouragement and help with the challenges of fatherhood, just as their kids need encouragement and help with childhood.