Occasionally, when I’m not watching my grandkids, maintaining my farmhouse, or writing about the importance of fatherhood on this blog, I am a volunteer and board member of “Little Patriots Embraced (LPE)”. LPE has a mission to support, with recognition and acts of kindness, the kids and families of the military, many of whom sacrifice as much or more as their military parents. With my military background and my dedication to helping families, LPE was a perfect charity for me.
This week LPE, with the leadership of founder Carol Watanabe, joined forces with the Bike Rehab Ministry of Manchester United Methodist Church to donate 20 bikes to the Airman’s Attic at Scott AFB, IL. Airman’s Attic offers junior enlisted airmen and their families at Scott Air Force Base place to go to receive free donated goods. All items are free for airmen who are E-5 and below and available items range from baby supplies to military uniforms. I would place bikes right in the middle of that range! Carol was the link between the Bike Ministry and the Airman Attic. LPE Volunteer Ray Amanat, Carol and myself rented a truck and transported the bikes to Scott AFB.
Bike Rehab Ministry
I was blown away by the Bike Rehab Ministry! Their goal is to provide the opportunity for people of all ages to have the joy of riding a bicycle when financial constraints would otherwise make it impossible. It works like this. Since 2000, the Bike Rehab Ministry has accepted donated bikes. Volunteers, currently about 100, recondition the bikes and distribute them through other charitable agencies like LPE. They are approaching the amazing number 6500 like-new bikes having been given to both children and adults. And they always supply a helmet with each bike!
How you can help and get a great deal!
One way you can help all three organizations is first to donate to them. Another very cool and financially smart way to help is to buy a reconditioned bike from the Bike Rehab Ministry. Bike Rehab sells some of their bikes to the public to raise money to keep the program running. The bikes are so well reconditioned that your kids won’t know they are used. They have everything from toddler bikes to hybrids to bike for cross country enthusiasts and everyone is welcomed to shop. They are located at 201 Creve Coeur Ave. across from Manchester UMC in Ballwin, MO. You can visit them by calling Ray Lembke at 314-660-6022 to schedule a tour.
Government helping people is good, but people helping people is always better. And you meet the nicest folks!!
Hover over each photo.