When you mention parenting to a new mom, you might get a head nod. Mention the topic of parenting to a young dad and he immediately nods off. So the reason we have so many bad parents might be because so few of us (especially men) want to talk about it. Except a few nuts like me.
Did you hear about the couple that was about to lose their house and had to find a way to make money – quick! So the wife sits down and writes a racy book in the vein of “50 Shades of Grey”, publishes it herself as an ebook, and sells over 100,000 copies by word of mouth alone. ‘Racy’ and ‘sex’ are words that will get attention – everyone’s! I can’t write about sex, however, because I don’t know enough about it. But I digress.
You may be surprised that parenting is a lot like sex.
1) Its better if you do it with someone else.
2) To be a parent usually involves sex, even if done clinically.
3) Poor parenting could result in frustration and loneliness, just like poor s-e-x.
Obviously a parenting book isn’t likely to do near as well as a racy book because it will assumed to be preachy and boring, making you feel neurotic instead of erotic. So what do I do? I write a blog and a book about fatherhood, or “Dadhood” if you will.
Unlike sex, parenting is not a subject for which you will turn your car around if you forget it. (Who am I kidding? Guys never forget sex!) If you’re spinning the radio dial, you’ll stop if you hear the word breast, until you figure out it is a cooking show. But hear the word ‘parenting’, and you are hitting the scan button.
But seriously folks! Is there a more important topic for which to be informed? We can stumble our way through sex and still have a child. But if we stumble our way through parenting, we can lose a child. There are things you can pick up about parenting that will make your life easier and allow your kids to adapt to the world more successfully. You’re not born an expert dad - and it’s not easy at all.
When I was nine I remember my uncle, who was single, criticizing my Mom about how she was raising my siblings and me. He may have been correct, but he eventually had three kids himself. Then he found out how tough it was to raise kids! We can learn a few things by reading about it and discussing it.
Believe me, I’m not “Helping Fathers to be Dads” to make money. I’m actually losing about $1.65 an hour (wild guess) writing on ‘dadhood’. Multiply that by hundreds of hours and it gets a little steep. However, better fathering and parenting are important to me. If I can get the attention of a few dads and get them thinking about being better fathers, and how rewarding (and totally un-boring) it is, it will be way worth it!
Thanks for reading!