Some choose to run away from the dragon. There is a group of men that refuse to marry called ‘Men Going Their Own Way’ (MGTOW). MGTOW is a male separatist movement that aims to live without female contact. MGTOW members believe that the world is stacked against them and that women and the government are exploiting them. I do understand some of their frustrations, but these are NOT real men! Real men don’t hide from a problem, they attack the problem head St. George.
There are some terrifying dragons out there today. The thought of marriage can be a challenge to many. Staying married can be even more of a challenge. Then, having children is often thought of as a burden, even scary. These are life decisions that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Taking on responsibility is something we must weigh against other responsibilities, or as an interruption to activities we enjoy. However, once you decide to take on these dragons, you must give all you have to be a winner.
Where are the ‘real’ men of today? They are raising and protecting their families. Too many men, however, are missing in action. According to the Census Bureau, 57.6% of black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children are living without their biological fathers. Of course, it’s not always the fathers’ fault, but the overall statistics cannot be denied.
What dragons are keeping men away from their children? Are they having trouble doing what is expected of them? Do they lack the values necessary to be a husband or father? Do they have the fire in them to protect their family? If the mother is in their way, will these men fight to be in their children’s lives? Real men are present when their presence means something to them or others.
Society has been another dragon that has not been particularly kind to men lately. It’s more serious than many believe, and unknown to most.
- Many men are facing economic challenges and unemployment due to globalization, automation, and the decline of manufacturing jobs.
- Many men are struggling with physical and mental health problems, such as opioid addiction, suicide, depression, and chronic diseases.
- Many men are experiencing a crisis of identity and meaning, as traditional notions of masculinity and gender roles are being challenged and redefined.
- Many men are feeling isolated and disconnected from their families, communities, and themselves, due to a lack of emotional expression and social support.
Yes, real men do fight dragons! They do it for themselves, their families, and society. We need them!
Michael Byron Smith
'Helping Fathers to be Dads' Blog
Author of "The Power of Dadhood"