Moms are the best! I have been raised, lived with, helped conceive, known and been related to wonderful mothers, almost without exception.
My mother may admit she wasn’t perfect, but there was no way she could have been. Raising six kids alone and working full time at minimum wage allows a parent to barely survive, provide, and give love to her children. She did that heroically!
My wife has been a mom above all other things. She had a career she put on hold for 15 years to stay home with our kids. Not all moms can do that, nor should they have to. But we are happy it worked out for us. Kathy, my wife, took the kids everywhere and gave them so many experiences. Because of her, our children had a happy, carefree childhood! She made my role as dad one I could enjoy so much more because Kathy took care of so many of our kids' basic needs.
My two daughters each have two beautiful children. They are both modern working moms but both have a day or two off during the week because of pre-school children. They are married to great dads and they have both learned from their mom. At their homes, I have seen numerous books on parenting. It is so wonderful to not have to worry about your grandchildren—being able to spoil them because mom and dad are in full control.
It seems like moms are there for their kids 99% of the time. My sisters and some of their daughters raised their children with little or no help from the fathers. I don’t claim to know why that happens as often as it does, but I credit moms for toughing it out when parenting is more difficult than it should be, because it is never easy!
I hope all mothers out there are recognized for all their sacrifices! And please know, there are sacrifices that they have made and will make that we will never know or understand.
Families are the backbone of our country and mothers are the backbone of our families.