I began this blog “Helping Fathers to be Dads” in 2013 just before the publication of my book, "The Power of Dadhood” and I haven’t missed writing at least one article a week in over four years. My purpose was the hope that I would find an audience that might need encouragement, discussion, and some thoughts about being a parent, especially a dad! Now it is 10:00 PM on a Monday and I just realized I haven’t written a thing for this self-imposed deadline of mine.
I just returned from a visit to my son, stationed in Texas. It was Cookie Day on Saturday with our four grandchildren. I’ve been very occupied by a new book project and thoughts regarding a personal issue. Commitments, projects, family, writing, you name it - we all get busy, but after four years I don’t want to miss a week.
But I don’t want to waste my time or yours because I appreciate that anyone would take time to read what I have to say. So I will repeat some VERY important and disturbing facts regarding fatherhood. You may be aware of this info if you’ve read past blog posts of mine. Otherwise, you may be shocked by the impacts dads have by their presence or their absence.
Social Facts regarding Fatherhood:
- 91% of fathers agree there is a father-absence crisis in the US.
- 41% of babies were born to unmarried mothers in 2008. In 1950, this number was 4%.
- 70% of adults believe a child needs a home with both a father and a mother to grow up happy.
- In 1960, 88% (67% Black) of children lived in a home with two parents. Today that number is around 69% (41% Black).
- 24.7 million Children (33%) lived in a biological father-absent home in 2010.
- Half of all children are expected to live with a biological mother and a ‘social’ father.
- A 2009 study found that father involvement was the only factor that decreased the odds of engaging in sexual activity.
The resulting facts!
Children raised without a father in the home are:
- 15.3 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
- 24.3 times more likely to run away
- 6.6 times more likely to drop out of high school
- 4.6 times more likely to commit suicide
- 6.3 times more likely to be in a state-operated institution
- 10.8 times more likely to commit rape
- 6.6 times more likely to become teenage mothers
- 15.3 times more likely to end up in prison while a teenager
Imagine now, a society where 90% of homes are complete with involved fathers.
- Would we have near the drug problem?
- Would we need more police?
- Would we have fewer teen births?
- Would we have less poverty and needy families?
I think we know the answers to these questions! Each issue mentioned - drugs, crime, teen births, and poverty - are continuing problems we face each day in America. We fight them with drug programs, more police, more free condoms and abortions, and increased welfare. Those programs will never solve any of those issues until families somehow become whole in the majority. Every problem begins and/or ends in the home. Better yet, the hope is a family culture that is such that thoughts of trouble with drugs, crime, teen pregnancy, or poverty could never be an issue. I believe this with all my heart!
It is 10:37. It was a quick write, but packed with important information I hope you can use and/or share!
Think #family