Some twenty or more years later, I was moved to write The Power of Dadhood, about the importance of fathers being involved in their children’s lives. I decided what I had written for my children so long ago would be perfect for my book on fatherhood. That something was simply called...If You Want ‘X’, Then You Must Do ‘Y'
X = That
Y = This
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If You Want ‘X’, Then You Must Do ‘Y’
Copyright: Michael Byron Smith
- If you want to Learn, you must listen.
- If you want Growth, you must take risks.
- If you want Responsibility, you must be responsible.
- If you want Commitment, you must be involved.
- If you want Achievement, you must have goals.
- If you want Success, you must have persistence.
- If you want Control, you must plan.
- If you want Rewards, you must provide effort.
- If you want to Be Liked, you must like yourself.
- If you want Love, you must be patient.
- If you want a Challenge, you must dare to improve.
Kids must know that their success is mostly up to them, but they have to be aware of that fact. Children of wise parents are statistically much more successful! The reason they are is having been taught these basic facts of life.
Be a provider to your children, be a source of love, but also a be a mentor.