But I did find out something that mildly shocked me which may have diverted some people away from my website/blog. This is it.
When someone subscribes to my blog they (you) apparently get it in an email. That person can read the blog post without going to my website….. UNLESS……I put a continue reading line before the end – which THEN sends you to the website! I didn't know this because I didn't subscribe to my own blog.
While the content is more important (hopefully) than going to the website, I am trying to build a platform (a following) that my publisher says is critical for my book “The Power of Dadhood”, which comes out in spring 2015 (that was a plug).
So I am sending this post with the “continue reading feature” to see if it works. Let me know!
Sorry about the “bait and switch”. And have a wonderful April - you fools!!!!
PS. While this blog may not apply directly to you, please remember it (and recommend it) if you know someone who is a young parent, especially a dad. They may think they know it all, but they don't!