I give thanks for the privilege of being a father.
And the gift of a wife who loves being a mother.
For the challenges we faced in raising our children,
Each challenge being a stepping stone to the absolute joys of our lives.
I give thanks for giving me a purpose beyond my own existence.
And being a part of preparing the next generation.
For they will be great citizens with our guidance,
Each lesson teaching them to think, not simply follow.
I give thanks to all concerned and nurturing parents.
And their acknowledgement of their duties to their children.
For every one of our children can make a difference,
Each and every day, for the benefit of all.
I give thanks for the contributions of my children.
And their work ethic, love, and respect for others.
For they will pass on these qualities,
Each and every generation, hopefully expanding -- forever.
Michael Byron Smith,
“Helping Fathers to be Dads”
Thanksgiving 2015