I believe fatherhood has come a long way in the last few decades! Fathers now spend triple the time with their children as they did in the 1960s. Dads have taken on new roles and become more involved in parenting than ever before. What we see is that men who were always good fathers of the past had different standards to go by. ‘Bringing home the bacon’ and being chief disciplinarian has been replaced with shared parenting and sharing ‘the bringing home of bacon’. The measures are different now. It doesn’t imply fathers in the mid-1960s or earlier were terrible men.
It’s good that men spend more time with their children these days because mothers spend less time with them. One reason is an economic reality. Another reason is allowing women, without casting aspersions on them, to enjoy careers and other interests. Shared parenting is the best parenting!
The Problem That Grows
What is still a problem with fatherhood today are those fathers who abandon their duty or spend little time on the loving, teaching, protecting, and sacrificing that is required of them. This problem has exploded since the 1960s, particularly in the Black community.
"More than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled — doubled — since we were children." President Obama in 2008
But it is not only a problem in the Black community! Open up this link for detailed info on fatherlessness! You may be surprised.
Fatherhood, when performed with love and nurturing, is better than ever! Unfortunately, families that are absent a father in the home are growing. It is no secret that this fact is having an appalling impact on our communities! Resolutions to crime, poverty, drugs, babies having babies, seem to avoid the fundamental issue of fatherless homes. Instead, there are solutions to hire more police, institute job programs, create more rehab facilities, and provide free condoms. Those ideas are emergency room resolutions. Preventive medicine, addressing fatherlessness, is not being done enough! The following information could not be more explicit regarding the issue of fatherlessness. Helping fathers to be dads today will require less help aiding their children to be great parents in future generations.
Click here if you missed it! Impacts of fatherless homes!
Yes, Father’s Day is over, but fathering never ends. For some unfortunate children, it never started!