The article below (see link) describes a situation that helped prompt me to write a book on the importance of fatherhood. In my book, "The Power Of Dadhood", I describe a family similar to one described in the The Deseret News article.
The family in my book is comprised of a single mom with 8 children from 7 different biological fathers. She has one set of twins. The mom was raised without a father and is raising her children as she was raised, without their fathers. She now has one pregnant daughter who no longer associates with the young man who impregnated her. The sons in this single mom family do not know how to be a man and the daughters do not know how to be treated by a man.
Some may ask, "what can we do to stop families from breaking up"? The answer is 'not much' - unless you work on the families of today to save the families of tomorrow.
What usually happens to the offspring of fatherless families is, 1) the females look for male approval in the wrong places and very often have unwed teen pregnancies. 2) The males don't know how to be a real man and they turn to bravado and often violence. These young men are more than willing to satisfy the male approval needs of the young fatherless girls, but have no thoughts of responsible behavior. There is no lasting union, and the cycle continues.
Please read this article below! It explains, better than I, the consequences of not having a caring father in the home (or at least nearby).