I’m assuming that this little boy was not born with a serious psychological disability, although it is possible. It could be that he has a Disruptive Behavior Disorder *. If so, it’s even more important that he be closely supervised. What also could be happening is a child being ‘raised’ by a totally incompetent person or persons.
This child has obviously not been taught limits. Any consequences he has ever experienced were not related to his behavior, meant to correct, but likely random punishment (from the child’s view). He has witnessed and learned behaviors like spitting which may be one of the lesser sins he's observed.
Children need authority figures to keep them in check, especially before they have developed their sense of right and wrong. This child has been left behind and it will take years for him to catch up to acceptable behavior skills, even if taught consistent behavior modifications! Left unchecked, it’s likely he could end up in prison or worse.
I don’t know the back story of this video. Why was he left unattended? Why did security take so long to appear? Did he have parents or guardians, or was he with a group? Does he have special needs or is he just severely misbehaved? It doesn’t matter to my message.
Kids are dependent upon and shaped by the important people in their lives. All children are born with certain inborn traits - but teachable variables exist which will make all the difference in the world to their success in life. If those variables, like feeling love, learning confidence, respect, and how to fight fear, are not taught - then the child will have a future full of uncertainty, doubt and pain.
The responsibility of caring, teaching, and mentoring young people is one of the most important and life changing undertakings we can assume. It must be thought out, researched, and performed with lots of love!