Was it selfish to show up at all, to possibly expose my germs to others? Maybe. Instead, I decided it would have been selfish to huddle up pretending I couldn’t share in these special moments. My wife really wanted me to be with her and everyone encouraged me to try to come to all the events. Somehow, when the important moments occurred - the “I do’s”, the loving speeches, the special dances – I was able to not be a distraction
It is now the day after the wedding, which was spectacular in every way! But we’re not going home yet. Tomorrow we are driving through the Everglades to the other side of the state to visit my wife’s 90-year-old aunt who has been sick. We decided we had to take advantage of being in Florida to show her our love and respect. Some decisions are easier than others.
Another decision. It’s Sunday night. For 244 weeks in a row I’ve been writing at least one blog post a week on the topic of Helping Fathers to be Dads, almost always published on Monday. Should I skip writing an article for the first time in almost five years? I’ve been busy. I’ve been traveling. I’ve been sick. For goodness sake, who is going to miss hearing from me again? It's not even an important decision - not like the one Kristen and Michael made to be married.
I’ve heard it said that every time you write, or sing, or play golf, you should try to do your best – and I believe that. Sometimes, however, your best is just the best you are capable of at that moment. Not trying is too easy of a decision. This is that! The best I can give at the moment without quitting.
We make decisions for love. We make them using common sense or gut feelings. We make decisions for selfish or noble reasons. And while we can make mistakes in the decisions we come to, the biggest mistakes are when we don’t make a decision. Decisions determine our future. They define us. We learn from them and hopefully self-correct. To let the wind blow you in a certain direction because you don’t care enough or can’t decide means you believe in fate more than yourself. Tonight, I decided to write the best I can at the moment instead of just not trying at all.
So if you are a parent, sometimes your best is just the best you are capable of at that moment. Not trying is too easy of a decision. Give the best you can at any given moment without quitting on yourself or your kids.
So there it is. Maybe it’s not my best ever, but it is my best for right now.
PS. My wife made the biggest decision of all. To put up with me and my whining even though she is not feeling her best either! Thank you Kathy!