John Dellinger, the depression area bank robber was once called public enemy number one, but he was just 'an ephemeral bubble of foam in the sea of miscreants'. In other words, he wasn’t the real problem. His view on life was formed as a kid with an inconsistent father and the loss of his mother at 3 years of age. There would always be someone to take Dellinger's place. Another miscreant.
President Nixon once called 'drugs' public enemy number one, but of course illegal drugs are harmless if ignored by the public. On the other hand, children are NOT harmless if ignored. Children are at risk if not loved and mentored by their parents. They are more likely to have social issues, drug dependency, or simple lack of confidence. There is, however, no training certificate required to be a mom or a dad. If we didn't have decent parents as role models, we react by the seat of our pants, which can lead to inconsistency. Inconsistency in parenting is like playing the lottery. The odds are your children will lose. The real way to being a good parent is the same as making a good living. You have to make smart choices and work hard!
The statistics are out there and they are staggeringly negative when both parents are not in the home. Just ‘google’ fatherless statistics and see what I mean. Here is just one example:
We will never wipe out drug use, crime, violence, mental illness, welfare, anger, mistrust, unwed mothers, etc. All of these are threats to our society but none of them are our primary threat. When and if we ever concentrate, as a society, on improving parenting skills, with education and support, then the issues of drug use, crime, violence, mental illness, welfare, anger, mistrust, unwed mothers will be much more manageable.
A turn around in fatherless homes, in recycled poor parenting, can never happen in one generation. If done well, however, it would very likely turn our society around in three generations. We need to encourage fatherly involvement and find a way to teach parenting skills. Let’s arrest bad parenting now, for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren!