Yes! As a father I had this terrible affliction and it remains to this day as a grandfather. When I read to my kids, I have yawning fits. I cannot get three pages in to a kids’ book before it starts. When I try not to yawn and continue reading, I sound like an elephant’s mating call. The kids never seem to mind that much. They patiently wait until I get my mouth back into reading position only to get four or five words in before another yawn comes. My wife, on the other hand, just laughs at my disorder.
I don’t know why this happens. But I do know why reading to my kids is so very important!
Reading to your kids is like, well it’s like being a dad. The closeness, the caring, the teaching, the connecting are all happening at the same time, not to mention the learning. But don’t just listen to me! Read what the experts from "in the book" have to say!
Click on: 8 Benefits of Reading for Children
Reading to your children, even when they are infants, is one of the most important activities a parent can do to prepare their children for success!
PS. "The 16 Differences Between a Father and a Dad" can be found in the archives to the right. See March thru May 2017.