I believe in the following thoughts/ideas:
- Be able to pass a citizenship test
- Moderation in all things
- Use technology, but don’t let it use you
- Let your good deeds be discovered, not announced
- Serve in the military or some civic service
- Occasionally give each of your children your undivided attention
- Pick up random bits of litter
- Make fresh air a priority
- Desire perfection but accept a best effort
- Visit other countries and other parts of your country
- Visit people in a nursing home
- Take care of babies and toddlers for a week before having your own
- Work with those of different ethnicity
- Eat less, move more
- Reward yourself occasionally
- Earn what you take
- Be generous with what you earn
- Study history
- Notice things
- Rethink having earphones on in public
- Occasionally take deep breaths
- Be a mentor to someone
- Smile honestly
- Make every attempt to be on time
- Take long walks
- Be responsible for something
- Do what you say you will do
- Never smoke that first cigarette
- Understand risk and consequences
- Take a parenting class/test prior to having a child
- Stop at lemonade stands
- Respond to all reasonable requests, even if it’s no.
- Have a workable plan
- Have an informed opinion
- Watch the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”
- Remember the good, forget the bad, but learn from both
- Trust your instincts
- Go to farmer’s markets
- Don’t accept the rude behavior of others (unless they can beat you up)
- Never tailgate, except at sporting events
- Save at least 5% of whatever you earn, 10% or more is better
- Wave to folks in sparely populated areas
- Have some knowledge of etiquette
- Look up at billowy white clouds
- Dress properly for the occasion
- Argue respectfully
- Never be patronizing
- Make eye contact
- Governments should make laws, enforce laws, and interpret laws—as seldom as possible
- Never use the f-word (except, maybe, when you stub your toe, etc.)
- Buy locally when possible
- Give family the benefit of doubt, while being the toughest to convince.
- Think outwardly, not inwardly
- If you move away, always root for your home team
- Let cashiers know if you were undercharged (or overcharged)
- Never forget the big picture
- Violence is a display of fear and ignorance
- Whistle while you’re alone, but rarely in public.
- Know the friends of your kids
- Wear seatbelts/helmets because your smart, not because it’s the law
- Never text while driving, even if you think you’re good at it.
- Give in sometimes, but not at the wrong times.
- Swing your arms when you walk, slightly.
- Be patriotic! But not ‘idiotic’ patriotic.
- Never stop learning
- Keep busy
- Never be drunk and/or naked in front of your kids
- Respect the customs of others, especially in their homes and/or country
- Ask a lot of questions, especially at your doctor’s and insurance agent’s
- Call your mom
- If you have a good relationship with your dad, you won’t have to call him, but do.
- Go out of your way to be kind to those who need kindness the most
- Think, but not always
- The best things in life are free, you just have to notice them.
- The core family is the most important social unit on earth--it needs help
If you disagree with anything, that means you are not me. And that is a good thing for you.
Thanks for taking time to read!