The list follows this slide show representing 15 of the reasons. (You may have to be on the website to see it.)
2. Your chest will swell with every one of your children’s achievements.
3. The sound of “Daddy” from your child’s voice is magical.
4. You don’t think so much about yourself.
5. Hugs around the neck are the best!
6. Giggles are precious!
7. Being available and present is appreciated forever.
8. You will smile when they bring you a book to read to them.
9. Your emotions are elevated to dizzying heights!
10. You are the most important man in their world!
11. Keeping small secrets with them is fun, and it bonds.
12. Saying, “That’s my son!” or “That’s my daughter!”
13. When you hear them say, “That’s my dad!”
14. Teaching them to stand tall is a great gift for both of you.
15. Fixing stuff together is a blast.
16. Seeing your children be unselfish.
17. When they are respectful to their elders.
18. Their successes are your successes.
19. Seeing your kids showing love and affection to their mother.
20. They love when you make French toast on Saturday mornings.
21. Being an example makes you a better man.
22. Riddles and puzzles are fun things to do together.
23. Teaching them to the point of failure is priceless.
24. Playing catch with your kids is more than playing catch.
25. When they understand when it’s time for fun, or time to be serious.
26. Finishing what you and they start will make you careful about what is important.
27. Your daughter playing in the dirt while your son plays ball will make you smile.
28. Seeing your kids’ help, comfort, and play with each other.
29. Tractors or princesses will be the center of their young lives
30. Tea parties can be fun for them, and the memories of them are wonderful for all.
31. When your child reaches up to you from a crawl that says, “I want you to hold me”.
32. Remembering when you let you son/daughter splash in mud puddles then taking the heat from mom
33. Stick drawings of you smiling makes you smile again.
34. Letting them steer your car (or tractor) when it’s safe. They love that!
35. When they learn to eat with their mouth closed.
36. When they speak to you, eye to eye, you will be proud.
37. They’ll do goofy things that make you laugh.
38. Being wore out from piggy back rides is a good tired.
39. When your heart melts, you are helpless, and it feels good.
40. When your kids are kind to the less fortunate.
41. When your son follows you around because he wants to be like you.
42. Realizing a toddler can crawl on your lap before you know they’re doing it.
43. Knowing they don’t care about your imperfections.
44. Being your kids’ favorite teacher.
45. Knowing they are happy to see you come home from work.
46. Graduations, dance recitals, ball games, plays, etc.—you and mom being the most important attendees!
47. Being a dad means you may be a grandfather someday. If you think being a dad is cool, try being a grandfather!
This list is not complete because the joy has no limits. The point is--fatherhood can be wonderful, and the most fulfilling responsibility you will ever take on. How wonderful depends mostly on you and the limits you establish. What you put into it, comes back again and again.
Click on the title to order my book: The Power of Dadhood: How to Become the Father Your Child Needs