'Twas the night before Christmas,
And this is no joke.
The kids were excited.
And the parents were broke!
The fireplace was gas,
And no keyhole in sight.
No way for Santa,
To come in tonight!
The children were worried!
How would Santa get in?
To place presents under the tree,
Set up in the den.
Dad, they asked puzzled,
What should we do?
To get in safely,
Santa will, for sure, need a clue.

And gave it some thought.
“How can Santa get credit?
For the presents I bought.”
The lights in the tree
Had gone out again.
Dad said some bad words,
That made us all grin.
“I’m sorry”, said Daddy.
For those words that I said.
Let me think for a minute
While you get ready for bed.
He thought as he checked out
A new Christmas light strand.
Then “Eureka!” he said.
I now have a plan.
And place it in the yard.
I’ll give him directions,
That won’t be too hard.
The note will tell him,
“Open the garage door”.
With a secret code for the combo,
That he can’t ignore.
The list he keeps has birthdays,
I’m certainly hopin’.
By entering your ages,
The garage door will open.
Malia is oldest,
That would be seven.
No tight chimney for Santa,
Will be just like heaven!
Ryan is second.
His age is three.
How much easier for Santa,
Can this possibly be?
Rosie is next.
Her number is two.
Not much else
For Santa to do.
Juliette is one.
The last code Santa needs.
To do another,
Of Santa’s good deeds.
Seven, Three, Two, One.
Are the numbers to enter.
Santa will be thrilled.
He’ll remember this winter.
Our daddy’s a genius!
Our presents will be here.
But having a daddy who helps us,
Will make our Christmas this year!
Merry Christmas!
Michael Byron Smith